Herr Tresselt vom Institut für Markt- und Organisationsdiagnostik führt im Rahmen seiner Promotionsarbeit eine Umfrage zum Komplexitätsmanagement durch. Mehr Information zum Thema nachfolgend in Englisch:

Identification of complexity strengthens and methods how to overcome them

Complexity is the state of having many interrelated parts or aspects. Project management is the planning, controlling and steering of a temporally limited endeavour. Many projects can fail due to complexity and non-stable movement of a project.

By following the link below you will be forwarded to an online survey. Within this survey you will gain insights for strengthens of complexity in project management and different approaches how to handle them. The overall survey will take approximately 10 minutes. You will receive the findings on this research by providing your email address at the last question of this survey.

It supports the dissertation “Handling of complexity in project management – a qualitative and quantitative case research of certified project managers in Germany”.

Da diese Arbeit sehr gut in die Philosophie und Methoden des PMI passt, bitten wir um aktive Teilnahme an der Online Umfrage. Mehr Informationen stehen im Member Bereich zur Verfügung (Handout).

Umfrage zum Komplexitätsmanagement