“Transitional Change – Implementing Emergency Management” & Annual Member Meeting (Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung) on May 24, 2023

Retrospective of Our Forum Meeting on May 24, 2023

Dear Members and Friends of PMG-G,

As it was the first time in 2023 that we all met in person it got a quite big pleasure for us to welcome Dr Mark Reeson who extraordinarily came from UK on our wish conveyed through Mona Rosenberg, our partner and founder of ‘THE CONNECTING DOT’.

Robert Baumgartner, VP Finance & Sponsoring, kicked off our Forum Meeting by welcoming Mona, Mark and all other participants for shortly introducing us to an exciting evening by letting us know the ground rules of PMG-G and our agenda.

1. Transitional Change – Implementing Emergency Management

Dr Mark Reeson

Dr Mark Reeson, Director of Project Management Services, M R Project Solutions Limited, 35 Hewick Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, England, m: +44-7706-08-47-18
Dr Mark Reeson, Director of Project Management Services, M R Project Solutions Limited, 35 Hewick Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, England, m: +44-7706-08-47-18
  • Excellent ability in managing efficient business change as well as leading and supporting major project and program management challenges.
  • Highly disciplined and structured approach as well as a thoughtful approach when it comes to the process of decision-making.
  • Strong communicator and relationship builder showing a culture of trust across all levels of organisation management and teams from different ethnic backgrounds.
  • Strong Problem – Solver by considering a realistic valuation of potential options as well as efficient and creative solution identification whilst always remaining focused and determined to deliver results.
  • Outstanding facilitative and inspiring approach in delivering and consulting projects, running workshops, seminars, and training programs with intercultural delegates / participants.
  • High Commendation for Homelessness Research by Nicholls Foundation as part of the APM Awards 2019.
  • High Commendation for Smart Modelling by Nicholls Foundation as part of the APM Awards 2018.
  • Best Customer Focused Product 2017 for Smart Model – Thomson Reuters.
  • PMWJ Award for Project Success – PCP Project, Dammam 2016.
  • Green Project of the Year Winner 2011 (Sizewell A – Initial Decommissioning).
  • 2 x United States Naval Commendations.
  • Author – Published Author of ‘Doing It the SMART Way, Sustainability – Bridging the Gap between Project and Business Management’ and ‘Making the most of every Minute – The Rhyme and Reeson of Time Management and Prioritisation.’
  • Global Key-Note Speaker.

Mark started with his impressive vita that got a lot of more than just 37 years of P3 management experience. For bringing us all on the same picture, he continued with an definition of change and shortly explained us the seven steps of change transition which is quite common and can apply to any change from a re-organization to complex software development project. Then, he stepped into his project that he steered for one of the biggest construction companies in the UK that faced huge difficulties due to delays in their emergency services, particularly during the pandemic by mid of 2020. Due to that Mark was called to make an organizational and a process change to be happening for the sake of the company’s survival.

Within only 6 weeks’ time, he came up with a clear plan in what needs to be done for changing course as time and quality rates were quite low, leading to high penalties over the time before Mark started taking corrective actions. By identifying four main workstreams (equipment, personnel, administration, and facilities) he had to be convincing to the management team and to their teams for taking them all on a common journey to change for better. But not all staff members followed his new contract offering to raise base salary for more flexibility in spent hours (up to 56 hours a week) for covering 24/7 but to also fulfill customer’s time expectations (attendance within 90 mins upon a call) to locally resolve any emergencies. 16 out of 36 staff members quitted who had to be replaced by contractors for a higher amount of money but with penalties going on the tap of the company which made the situation even more difficult. So, new staff members had to be trained to be properly brought on board while pairings of members constantly changed for shortening their learning curve. On the other hand, not all vehicles could be used and not all excavation toolkits were available for use when the teams needed them for taking care of emergencies. So, his starting situation was quite disastrous.

On very first day, working in accordance to a new pattern and rota shifts, the success of the company was quite limited as Mark encountered 5 out of 14 calls were completely missed out and further others calls were also punished due to delays. Of course, nothing that he could change from one day to another but something that he could sort out by daily analyzing data, taking corrective actions in fine-tuning all workflows mentioned above, and even adjusting the company’s commitment to the customers who could not be reached within 90 mins at all, were measures that he took on for his journey to improve the company’s success rate from only 38% up to 96% within a time span of only 4 months. This improvement is based on a very few things that are quite vital for a successful transition change:

  • Regular local reviews of ongoing transition with management team to ensure a buy-in.
  • Focusing on success and not on failures.
  • Learn from each other, rather than only trusting on numbers.
  • Ensuring a trustworthy and collaborative work environment that enables a good relationship.

A great learning that our audience got from Mark to make a transitional change to be happening, even though initial circumstances do not look promising at all. Apart from these lessons, he also shared a free copy of his latest paper about ‘The Importance of Change Transition within Business Management’ that you can retrieve from our portal if you log on as a member.

For such a decent and powerful speech, followed by an inspiring dialogue, we’d like to thank Mark and Mona very much as it was one of the evenings together that we will for sure keep in mind to always recall whenever we’ll be talking to each other soon. And for sure, another forthcoming event together with Mark and Mona will be scheduled for you.

2. Annual Member Meeting (Ordentliche Hauptversammlung) 2023

Im zweiten Teil unseres Abends ging es um die Durchführung unserer jährlichen Mitgliederversammlung, die auf Deutsch weitergeführt wurde.

Diese wurde geleitet von Klaus Stephan, President, moderiert von Robert Baumgartner, VP Finance & Sponsoring, und protokolliert von Klaus Michael Rübsam, VP Communications.

Als Erstes wurde unsere Beschlussfähigkeit durch mündliche Neueinberufung festgestellt. Dann ging es weiter um die Entlastung des Vorstands unseres Vereins. Dazu hat Robert unseren Finanzbericht 2022 vorgestellt, der sehr moderat ausfiel, aber dennoch aufzeigte, dass wir weiteres Wachstumspotenzial haben, um unseren Leitgedanken – Methoden und Standards – Verstehen und Verbinden – weiter zu verfolgen. Als Ergebnis wurde durch Abstimmung aller anwesenden Mitglieder festgehalten, dass der Vorstand für das Fiskaljahr 2022 entlastet wurde.

Dazu bedanken wir uns, bei unseren Mitgliedern für ein weiteres Jahr der Treue und Zuspruch in diesem Sinne weiterarbeiten zu dürfen.

PDU Reporting

Our workshop took over one hour of speech and dialogue which enables you to claim for 1 PDU as distributed over distinct categories below. The acceptance of your claim fully lies on responsibility of the PMI – Project Management Institute. You should follow the PDU allocation below when logging on to CCRS: https://authentication.pmi.org

Unsere Veranstaltung mit Vortrag und Dialog hatte eine Gesamtdauer von 1 Stunde und ist grundsätzlich für die Einreichung von PDUs gegenüber pmi.org geeignet. Die Anerkennung liegt ausschließlich beim PMI – Project Management Institute. Zur Beantragung Ihrer PDU loggen Sie sich bitte im CCRS ein: https://authentication.pmi.org

Way of WorkingPower SkillsBusiness Acumen

If you’re not so sure how to claim your PDU’s on CCRS you can follow our guideline below / Falls Sie sich nicht sicher sein sollten, wie Sie Ihre PDU melden können, sehen Sie sich unsere folgende Beschreibung an:

Presentation & Paper

As a member of PMG-G you have the possibility to download the presentation and an additional paper from Dr Mark Reeson on our web portal by logging on as a member: presentation and paper.

Als Mitglied von PMG-G können Sie sich gerne die Präsentation und ein zusätzliches Paper von Dr Mark Reeson in unserem Memberbereich herunterladen: Presentation and Paper.
On behalf of the board of / Im Auftrag des Vorstands von Project Management Group – Germany (PMG-G)

On behalf of the board of Project Management Group – Germany (PMG-G)

V.i.S.d.P. VP Finance & Sponsoring
Robert Baumgartner, SAFe 6 | PMI-ACP | Prince2

“Transitional Change – Implementing Emergency Management” & Annual Member Meeting (Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung) on May 24, 2023