In Zeiten, in denen ein umwälzendes Programm das Nächste einleitet, sind Projektmanager die, von denen Orientierung verlangt wird. Dazu veranstalte die Unity AG einen wertvollen Praxisworkshop, zu dem uns Jörg Greitemeyer, Daniel Neumann und Ralf Schnitzmeier nach Köln einlud. Neben
2024/02: Reference List of Emotional Intelligence Materials
Christine Petersen talked about Emotional Intelligence: what is it about, what impact does it have on managing projects and on working with stakeholders and teams. As she promised you’ll find a list of EI references in the attached file for
2024/02: Emotional Intelligence Test
Christine Petersen talked about Emotional Intelligence (EI): what is it about, what impact does it have on managing projects and on working with stakeholders and teams. In the filed document you’ll find a self-test to check whether you do have
2024/02: Emotional Intelligence and its importance in Project Management
Christine Petersen talked about Emotional Intelligence: what is it about, what impact does it have on managing projects and on working with stakeholders and teams. Furthermore, she went into the topic of developing a higher level of Emotional Intelligence in